
Kiln Results 1/23

January 31, 2022

Took me a while to post this because work was so busy last week I didn't have time to take pictures when there is actually good light.
Most of this kiln is gnomes. I've gone a little gnome crazy and I still have a lot more to glaze. With the height of some of these I was only able to get 2 other shelves into the kiln. This firing is also the first time I've had anything larger than earings come out with Kentucky Mudworks Brown Bear clay. I'm really liking the chocolate clay and made some some mugs and bowls where I can leave it partially unglazed.

Hat is Old Forge Test from Midnight Ceramics with Mayco Dandelion on the buttons. The Old Forge ran a lot more on a vertical surface than it had on my soap dish.
I don't remember what's on the hands and nose (its a stroke and coat), but its brighter than I intended.
Beard is a little black underglaze and then Jessica Putnam Phillips 2167 Clear

Hat is Clayscapes Garden Green. Body is Mayco Eggplant and then Blue Hydrangea. Nose is Mayco Cutie Pie Coral. Beard is not glazed

Hat is KY Mudworks Petunia with the leaves using Michael Harbridge's technique.
Nose is Mayco Cutie Pie Coral. Hair is Mayco Dandelion. Body is Mayco Rainforest

Hat is Midnight Ceramics Sexy Mermaid. Body is Midnight Ceramics Boxed Wine. Nose is Mayco Cutie Pie Coral.

Hats are Clayscapes Spearmint. Noses are Mayco Cutie Pie Coral.
Left body Coyote Oatmeal. Right body I'm not sure (bad notes)

Hats are Clayscapes Garden Green. Noses are Mayco Cutie Pie Coral.
Left body Mayco Eggplant. Right body Coyote Oatmeal

These were a refire. I added Mayco Cotton Tail to the beards because I didn't like them just brown.

Kentucky Mudworks Andromeda

Georgie's Autumn Foliage wiped back Zinc Free Clear

Georgie's Autumn Foliage wiped back Zinc Free Clear

Georgie's Autumn Foliage wiped back Zinc Free Clear

Stand of trees all together

Kentucky Mudworks Hydra Mayco Frosted Lemon on the top star

Mayco Emerald

Michael Harbridge's leaf technique. Jessica Putnam Phillips 2167 Clear

Coyote Turquoise Lake and Sorcerer's Stone. Clay is KY Mudworks Speckled Turtle

Kentucky Mudworks Meridian

Kentucky Mudworks Galaxy

Coyote Peacock Green

Clayscapes Spearmint, Starry Night, and Crown Heights

KY Mudworks Tortuga. There is also black underglaze, but it doesn't show through at all


Lamp is upright!

January 28, 2022

After almost a week of drying I was able to stand up my lamp last night. I had to cut down the bottom a bit to make it level. I still have the plastic inside to help it stay upright, I'll be taking that out by the end of the weekend. Will keep drying really slowly. Lamp is upright!



January 26, 2022

I've had 6 skeins of of Aran tweed from Briar Rose for a few months. I had a vision of this ruana in my head, really happy how it turned out.


It's made from two rectangular panels sewed together.


Cast on as many stitches as you need to reach the desired length. Mine is 116 stitches.
First row. Half double crochet (hdc) 3. *Bobble stitch hdc 10* until end of row hdc to finish.
Odd rows hdc to one stitch past the bobble, bobble - repeat
Even rows hdc to one stitch before the bobble, bobble - repeat
The bobble should cascade


Make it as wide as you want for one side. Make second panel. Sew together half way.
You could make this all one color. Alternate colors. Make stripes. Mine has two longer stripes then two shorter stripes. This would work with any weight yarn.


Boris print

January 26, 2022

I've had this ready to glaze for a couple of months and just couldn't decide how to do it knowing I wouldn't have a second chance. I ended up doing speedball black wiped back with Amaco Deep Sea watered down. Boris print

I love that I can even see his fur. Miss you Boris.



January 23, 2022

There's been a lot of chatter online about making lamps recently. The pattern for this came to me while I was working and I had to create a pattern out of paper. 

The big test will be to get it upright, here's hoping it survives. It needs to be a lot drier before I try. 

This is what it will look like when it's stood up. Lamp

Top View


Side View


Flower carving

January 20, 2022

I've been drawing this flower design for a week. It got into my head and ever doodle seems to end up being this. So I decided to try to carve it into clay. I'm pretty happy with the results. Now have to figure out how to glaze it. 

Flower carving

Flower carving

Also a few more gnomes.

Flower carving

I swear they do this on their own and I don't pose them.


New Cup Template

January 16, 2022

I decided to make a pattern for a vase. It's a larger version of a pattern I've seen before.

New Cup Template

Just a simple paper pattern to start with.

New Cup Template

Made a vase with it. I added the embellishments because the seam just looked ugly.

New Cup Template

Also made two wine goblets or large chalices.

New Cup Template

Also made a few platters. Really happy with the feet on this one.


Garden gnomes

January 13, 2022

I might have a gnome problem. Here are 3 more. I can't seem to stop

Garden gnomes

Viking lady gnome

Garden gnomes


Garden gnomes

Leafy hat gnome


Vacation on Ocracoke

January 03, 2022

Spent the last week on Ocracoke Island. Very quiet this time of year, but we had great weather. Willow loved the beach and did great with the long car rides. Vacation on Ocracoke

Made a sweater and two scarves. Gave Barbara the sweater

Vacation on Ocracoke

Also took some clay with me and made gnomes.

Vacation on Ocracoke

Ocracoke lighthouse

Vacation on Ocracoke

Sunrise beach puppies

Vacation on Ocracoke

Snoozing on the porch

Vacation on Ocracoke

What's in the hole?

Vacation on Ocracoke


Vacation on Ocracoke

Ferry ride home

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