Glazing Weekend Preparing for the Maryland Home and Garden Show - The Ceramic Knot

Glazing Weekend Preparing for the Maryland Home and Garden Show

February 27, 2023

I spent almost all weekend glazing. The first set of things that I was working on last week is in the kiln and cooling now. While the kiln was going yesterday I glazed another whole kiln load. This is the last bit to get ready for the Maryland Home and Garden show the next 2 weekends March 3-4 and 10-12.

I didn't actually realize that the second weekend was 3 days, it's not a big deal other than I thought 4 days was going to be a lot and now it's 5!! I believe I have enough made for the show. This week will be about packing and taking inventory so I know what I have. Glazing Weekend Preparing for the Maryland Home and Garden Show

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