Bunch of Zinnias Butterfly Shawl

January 06, 2025

I made this shawl while I was traveling a lot for work and doing a lot of shows. It's a fingering weight yarn and it feels like it took forever. I had intended to write down the pattern, but got really busy and did not. The yarn is from Kim Dyes Yarn and is the Smoothie Fingering in Bunch of Zinnias. I have two tags on my desk, but I can't remember if it was 2 skeins or 3.

It's a lightweight shawl. When I started it, we were still having random 70 degree days where I totally could have worn it. I am writing this now in January while its frigid and there's a snowstorm so it will now have to wait for spring. I intentionally made it really large so that it will stay on my shoulders without having to wear a clasp. I call it a Butterfly Shawl because it has 5 points on the back and looks a bit like a butterfly. Bunch of Zinnias Butterfly Shawl

Bunch of Zinnias Butterfly Shawl

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