Year End Wrap Up
January 02, 2025I really had intended to do a year end wrap up before the year ended, but then time got away from me. Having 5 shows (6 if you include the Gallery of Gifts) between the end of November and December was really a race to the finish. I let a lot of other things go during that time, especially considering my day job was also keeping me super busy with a new client starting.
I spent the first few days just catching up on house things. Things like clearing off my dining room table so it wasn't covered in pottery paraphernalia. Carrying most (I still have 4 boxes) of the clay I just bought down to the basement. There was a fair amount of cleaning as well. Not normal cleaning, but the stuff that you know you should do but you don't until you're grossed out by something. Case in point, I had balanced my phone on the back of the couch and within 5 minutes River had managed to knock it with her nose in just the perfect way so it slid down behind the couch. I tried to reach under the couch to get it but realized quickly that it had landed on its side and was pinned between the couch and the wall. When I pulled the couch out from the wall to get it, I saw all the dust and hair that had accumulated behind it. So yeah, that needed to get cleaned.
My sister and I did our ritual post Christmas shopping on the 26th. Lots of good deals at the outlets. I was sooo close to Delta status for 2025 that I decided it was worth doing a mileage run - yes first world problems but when you fly as much as I do the immediate upgrades to comfort were absolutely worth it. I ended up spending an awesome day in Boston with my stepdaughter. We walked the whole freedom trail, and then some since we lost it a few times. Then we walked some more. At the end of the day her phone said 33k steps which equates to about 14 miles. At first we were like no way that's not possible, but knowing where we went, we definitely did over 10 so maybe 14 is not so far off. Sitting in the lounge waiting for our plane we were like 2 old ladies every time we moved.
This meant that Saturday I barely moved from the couch because I was so sore. We both finished off the year and started the year with hikes. River still remembered the word hike, but Willow (who's vocabulary isn't good anyway) did not remember what a hike was. Both of them had a blast.
Anyway, on to year end numbers. I actually did not manage to do inventory before the year ended so that is still on my to do list, but I have a rough idea of what I have left based on where I was at the end of the last show.
Unsurprisingly crabs were still the number one seller across all items. However, the alien mugs I made were not that far behind. I sold roughly 50 crab mugs this year and 28 alien mugs. However, at every show I had alien mugs - I never came home with one. That leads me to think I probably could have sold a few more if I had them in stock.
By % of sales:
- Mugs 38%
- Small Plates 8%
- Spoon Rests 7%
- Large Vases 6%
- Platters 4%
- Soup Mugs 4%
By count if items sold:
- Mugs 257
- Small Plates 118
- Spoon Rests 99
- Small Trinket Dishes 87
- Ornaments 44
- Large/Fancy Ornaments 30
Overall, it was a great year. My sales grew by about 20%. One big change I made this year was about what shows I participated in. Half of the shows I did this year were ones I hadn't done last year. I stopped doing any show that had a high fee to sales ratio (anything over 15%). This was actually a little risky since most of the shows that applied to were in the last 4 months of the year. It worked out and as I look at shows for next year, I am going to continue to apply this lens to the shows I did in 2024. Doing a show is a lot of work and I want to make sure that that work is worth the effort. If you are doing shows or thinking about doing shows I would urge you to have metrics and use them to make decisions.

Now that I have 2 years’ worth of data I'm also starting to look at what I'm making and deciding what I should stop making. These are things which I made some of and have found that I don't sell a lot of, are difficult to make, or are difficult to transport. An example of this are the gnomes that I've made which are bigger than about 2 inches tall. I've made gnomes in multiple sizes, and they are fun to make. The small ones are pretty easy to transport. The larger ones don't sell well and the very large ones are a pain to transport. I will likely continue to make gnomes for me (I like them to put them on stumps around the cabin), but I am going to stop selling them.
Some things that I'm just going to stop making because I just don't sell enough to make it worth it - coasters, egg holders, ring dishes, shot glasses, large trinket dishes, squiggle luminaries, and soap holders with holes. None of these are hard to make or hard to transport, but they take up space and I sell less than one on average at shows. Some things that just haven't sold at all - daffodil candle holders, ornament balls, and pillar candle holders.
I love my Calla Lily Candle holders, but they are difficult to make and awful to transport. I have a few pairs left, but I don't think I'm going to make any more once those are sold. I have a lot of jewelry left, but am going to stop making more for now. I don't sell a lot of jewelry. It's easy to make and transport, but depending on the piece can be time consuming to glaze. Jewelry is also time consuming to setup at shows. I haven't fully decided to stop making jewelry forever, but I have a good amount of inventory so I will stop for now.
I love my mushroom jewelry boxes and I get a lot of positive comments on them, but the ring worms (haha I just realized how that reads) are super fragile. I've broken them at all stages in the process. I don't sell a ton of them and I'm not sure they are worth the effort. The bird bath earring holders are much less prone to breaking, but I sell even fewer of those so I will probably stop these as well.
I'm on the fence on pitchers. I don't make a lot of them and they do eventually sell, but I do carry them to a lot of shows before they do. The question is - is it worth it in the long run?
The next thing I need to start looking at is what styles of things sells well. I have that fairly dialed in for mugs because I've almost cleared the shelves on what I made this year :) I also am finding that for my long rounded platters the big theme ones - crabs, birch and cardinal, and lavender sell well. However, some of the others like the holiday themed ones and grape leaves have not. I made a good number of these that are still on my shelves.
All in all a really good year. I've already started planning out my shows for 2025 and will start updating where I will be and when soon!