Gnomes and other wine toppers

March 20, 2025

It's been quite some time since I made gnomes. I was really feeling like making them lately for some reason.

Gnomes and other wine toppers

I started with some normal size gnomes making half male and half female.

Gnomes and other wine toppers

Then moved on to some smaller gnomes, also male and female, that can be used as wine topers.

Gnomes and other wine toppers

One of the females ended up with Princess Leia buns!

Gnomes and other wine toppers

I also had in my head to make some mushrooms.

Gnomes and other wine toppers

And before I knew it 2 birds and a fish happened too. This has gotten me thinking about the menagerie of animals I made a couple of years ago that never got glazed. I wonder how many could become wine toppers!

Gnomes and other wine toppers

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