I didn't have time to post a kiln sneak peek last week with travelling across the country and getting ready for the Havre de Grace Art show so here is the results from the kiln that ran while I was flying across the country last week. It was really fun to come home to a completely cooled kiln and be able to unload it.
My favorite pieces that came out of the kiln are the birch tree mugs. I sold all three of these really early this weekend and had a woman come back Sunday looking for more. Definitely need to make more of them soon. I love how these turned out. I was stressing on what color to make the inside. I really like how the lemon makes the trees pop.
I'm really excited about the leaf globe that came out. I made one of these at Michael Harbridge's workshop, but then he bisque fired it for me and sent it. This is the first one I've made start to finish at my house. It is absolutely amazing how it came out.
How cute is the chicken plate? It's actually a segmented plate that has 2 tiny compartments and then one larger one.
Also - check out the green pocket bird. This is my mystery glaze from one of the last firings. It is Opulence Emerald and YUM!
It's been a gnome kind of a week. Two years ago I don't think gnomes were even on my radar. Now I make clay and crochet gnomes. They all just have their own personality and it's just so fun. Literally as I'm making them they decide whether their hat is going to tilt left, right, front, or straight up. Some get beards and some don't. Some get braids and become female gnomes. The construction of the gnome depends largely on how big it is.
This gnome is about 12 inches tall and is made on a cone from Learn Fired Arts. The cone is wrapped in paper to make it easy to remove the gnome once it's setup enough. Over the paper is a layer of rolled out clay smoothed out. The hat is made by adding a coil to the cone and then shaping it. Then a ball of clay, flat on one side, is added for the nose. Now the real personality comes out - male or female, beard or no. This particular gnome has a leaf beard. The leaves are made from leaves also from Learn Fired Arts. This is the small and the medium grape leaves. I also added some leaf imprints to the hat. Last a little leaf embellishment on the hat ring. I can't wait for this little guy to come through the glaze kiln.
I've been making a lot of pumpkins and it made me think - could a pumpkin be a gnome body? Yes, yes it can. The pumpkin cutter is from De La Designs. This is the 8.5" cutter. I free formed the hat and used my sweater weather rolling pin for texture. After attaching the hat I added a nose and a little beard. Once the clay has dried a bit I will carve the beard a bit.
Another pumpkin made gnome. This one more halloweeny. I realized I didn't have a pumpkin stamp, but I do have a pumpkin cookie cutter. I used that for the hat and just didn't press too hard. I'll do a bit of carving on that later.
This is 20 gnomes all lined up in rows. This clay was soooo sticky and smelly. I had put it in water to break it down months ago and neglected to put any vinegar in the water. There's a bit of a mold in it, but as it dries out it goes away. It made the clay super wet though and even after a day of being left out it was still really sticky. I made these gnomes and then as they setup I smoothed them. These gnomes are larger than the ones I made a few weeks ago as wine stoppers. I think they're going to be adorable.
Of course glazing gnomes is extremely tedious, but that problem is for next week (hopefully if they dry quick enough).
I was a little worried that in my rush to get some things done before I had to leave for California for work that I was going to mess something up, but everything came out like I wanted.
I had to make more of the Cala Lilly Candle Holders because they have been really popular. I did mostly the same color combos I've done before, but I also tweaked them a bit adding a bit more depth of color.
Everything Cardinals and Birch has been really popular. I completely sold out of everything I had so more of that in this kiln. The white trees have been the most popular, but I like the grey with the red as well. I also experimented a bit with what will become some magnets with the water color sunrise and I love the way those came out.
I have a few smaller dishes that I glazed a few weeks ago that I'm not sure on the glazes on. I feel like I've gotten a little too sure of myself lately being able to pick out glazes. It is mostly true that I know my glazes and I can look at something and say I used this, but I also do some experiments. I can usually remember what experiments I did with good success for a few days, but some of these I glazed before the MacKenzie-Child show and they just didn't fit in the kiln. Now I don't remember any more. C'est la vie.
My plan is to get two more glaze loads in before the Havre de Grace Art Show on October 22nd - 23rd. We shall see if I am successful :)