There is not a small part of me that wants to keep all these trees for myself. Just setup a little forrest in my office. I used a few different colors and I like all of them. The emerald and the snow are my favorites.
The reindeer plates looked different in my head. They are growing on me, but I'm still struggling that they aren't what was in my head.
A little disaster in here. My snowman broke when it was greenware. I've had that happen before and I've always been able to glue it back together with glaze. This time - no such luck. I've never had both the head and the hat fall off. I think that was just a little too much for it to balance. Luckily it was just a little bit near the kiln elements. I was able to sand down the issue with my diamond core sanding pad and I got the 2 little pieces of glaze out of the element track with tweezers.
Snowman aside - I'm loving how the trees look. I really love the white trees! And the one with the hanging "ornaments."
I'm really excited on my beachy crabby clock. It came out awesome - no warping. I'll post once I put the clock parts together. Like I said in the sneak peek - a lot of birch and cardinals in here. There's still more to go through the next kiln load. I managed to sneak in one of the small trees and its so cute with it's little star on top.
A lot of birch and cardinals on here. I spent quite a few hours painting trees and birds. They are so pretty though.
Today and tomorrow will be at the Howard County Craft Spectacular - if you're local come out!
I'm using more clay so I decided to bite the bullet and buy 1,000 pounds once instead of two orders 6 months apart of 500 so that I could get the discount. I wasn't prepared for how many boxes 1,000 pounds is. We brought it all inside so it wasn't sitting in the driveway, but I'm taking it down to the basement in 1 box increments when I'm going downstairs. It's going to take a while.

This vase is even more gorgeous in person than the picture shows. It's a little over two feet tall. I love it so much. The rhubarb leaf is unglazed because I'm going to treat that with Magic Metallics copper - stay tuned for that.
I had some leaves and stars that have come off my trees that I'll have to glue back on.
This Friday - Sunday I will be at the Howard County Craft Spectacular - if you're local I'd love to see you there. I will have some of these trees with me as well as many other things.