
New Flat Vase Forms

January 25, 2024

I bought a set of these molds for myself over the holidays. There's no texture on them now because I want to play with glaze techniques later. These two vases are the small and the medium, haven't had a chance to make the large yet.

I feel like I'm getting better at smoothing the clay in the puzzling molds. New Flat Vase Forms

New Flat Vase Forms


Up Up and Away

January 23, 2024

I got these balloon stamps not too long after my hot air balloon ride. This fall was such a whirlwind that I didn't get a chance to use them. I wanted to make them a bit 3D. I'm hoping the baloons really pop with the glaze.

Making my way through all the blog posts. I've got a routine down to fix all the pages, but there are just so many that it takes a long time. I am going to cry if Google breaks this too at some point. I'm travelling for work for the next few days so my progress will likely slow. Up Up and Away


Tree of Life New Texture & Broken Images Update

January 22, 2024

I found a feasible work around for the broken images where I don't have to migrate everything. I'm hoping that Google won't break this as well, but they've been rather close lipped about it so who knows. The process isn't hard this way - copy the code, paste into word, find and replace, copy, paste back, and then publish. I fixed all the glaze pages this morning. The blog pages will take more time, I have almost 500 blog posts - how did that happen?!

When I was looking at the reindeer mold this tree popped up and I wanted to try it out. What I coudln't see in the picture on Amazon is that there are non-colored dots outside of the tree. I'm also not sure if the texture is deep enough. It doesn't help that I over corn starched a bit. I will keep you posted how this comes out (if it comes out). Tree of Life New Texture & Broken Images Update

Tree of Life New Texture & Broken Images Update


Squiggle Luminaries - Still working on what to do about the broken images

January 19, 2024

I've found a couple of work arounds for the broken images, but I'm not really happy with any of them. Also I have nearly 500 posts and pages and updating every one individually is a daunting task. Google suggested a work around using a slightly different format for linking than I've used in the past. I tried it out on my post on the reindeer ornament and while it works, it looks terrible. It makes it look like all the photos are slightly out of focus.

The other alternative I've found is uploading directly in Blogger which is the tool that I use to host this web site. It works and it's what I'm using for the photo below, but while uploading an image is fairly easy, it doesn't actually give me a way to manage photos. I also haven't found a way to upload more than one image at a time which would mean real slow going for fixing all previous posts. I've been looking into other photo hosting sites, but it seems like all of them almost act like social media sites posting your videos out to the community. Not that I think I produce things that people are going to want to steal on a daily basis, having them in that arena feels like it's more likely that people will take my photos and use them for another context.

I'm exhausted by this whole thing and I haven't even had to do any migration of photos yet. This all just feels like it should be simpler. sigh.

In other news I am still making things even though I haven't been posting. This is the first time I've used coils of Laguna 60. I kept putting off cleaning my handheld extruder becuase it felt difficult. I ended up buying a second extruder on sale during the holidays. Problem solved, no cleaning needed. Obviously having two large extruders would be cost prohibitive, but the handheld ones aren't that expensive.

I've been thinking about luminaries for a few weeks now so of course that's where I started. I made a few different shapes to decide which ones I like best. I also had an idea for a little luminary gnome that I tried out, but I put it on too tight and it did not make it off the cone. I am definitely going to try again. Squiggle Luminaries - Still working on what to do about the broken images

Images Broken

January 16, 2024

Last week Google did something that broke all the images on this web site. Just what I needed in my life. There is a work around, but also it will take hours to fix every link on every post and page. I'm going to ride this out for a week or so hoping Google fixes before I try to resolve all the images.


Reindeer 3D Ornament

January 06, 2024

Update: I was trying out Google's work around for images on this post. It looks terrible, but I don't have a solid alternative yet. If you click on the individual images they should render and not look blurry. Apologies, and thank you for bearing with me while I figure this out.

Back in December I was searching for something on Amazon and they recommended this cute little silicone mold. I loved it, but I decided that it was too late to do anything for this year. I left it in my cart though and last week decided to buy it (and a few more texture items coming soon). I couldn't wait to try it out, but not working with a lot of silicone molds there was definitely a learning curve. Reindeer 3D Ornament

I started with a fairly wet piece of clay. I know enough about molds to know that dry clay would crack.

Reindeer 3D Ornament

As I was removing the clay I quickly realized that with the arms being separate that they needed to come out first since they are recessed. I set them aside and worked on the main body.

Reindeer 3D Ornament

I learned quickly to be gentle as I decapidated a couple of reindeers. Since this mold is a bit like a Y it definitely took figuring out how to loosen it without breaking off parts. I had to be very gentle.

Reindeer 3D Ornament

I also learned that leaving extra clay on the back beyond the seems meant that I'd have to do more shaping/cutting later.


Reindeer 3D Ornament

It looks a little demented without arms.

Reindeer 3D Ornament

I tried two different arm attachments. I like them both. I might end up with a favorite once we get through the whole process, but I don't have one yet - do you?

Reindeer 3D Ornament

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