
Ginko Tray

February 05, 2024

When I was dropping items off last fall at the Carrol County Gallery of Gifts I picked up a handful of ginko leaves. Literally picked them up off the ground. We don't have any ginko near me that I'm aware of, but the street there was lined with them. I put them in a baggy in the fridge when I got home intending to use them "soon."

Ginko Tray

Well, time got away from me. This weekend when I pulled the leaves out they had dried out. Still usable, but now one time use vs being able to use them again. The leaves provided a nice texture, but were not easy to get off the platter. I ended up using tweezers and still didn't get all the pieces off. They will burn off in the bisque kiln.

Ginko Tray

I'm still thinking on how to glaze this. I think I want the leaves to be the golden color from when they fall, but I don't think I have a glaze that's that color golden that will keep the fine line detail from the leaf texture. Maybe I'll go opposite and leave the leaves and do the gold around. Any suggestions?

Ginko Tray


Cleaning Dies

February 03, 2024

No one tells you how difficult it is to clean a hollow die. When it comes out you can barely even see the metal.

Cleaning Dies


Extruded Vases

February 01, 2024

The extruder is fun. The teeth on this one make it so that I'm never exerting too much force. I saw videos of people who are like standing on the wall and still struggling. This isn't no effort, but it is somewhat light effort to get things through.

I made all of these into vases by cutting a bottom and adding it on. I'll get fancier as I experiment more.

This reminds me of the symbol from the TV show Charmed, but I think it will make a really cool bud vase. Extruded Vases

This die is like a giant noodle. I think it's going to look awesome with a glaze that breaks.

Extruded Vases

This one came out with some personality

Extruded Vases

There's something about a hexagon. I think this shape might make a really nice size mug.

Extruded Vases


New Extruder

January 30, 2024

I bought myself an extruder for the holidays. Just got it mounted. Craig decided it needed to be mounted to a board then to the wall so that it was attached to two studs. It might be overkill or it might be saving the walls. I went with one from Steel Potter at The Ceramic Shop. It's not well known, but I was obsessed with their dies. New Extruder

Google Images is giving me headaches

January 29, 2024

So I started down the path last week with the work around for all my images. I didn't realize that it was "working" because I'm logged into Google. So if you're logged into Google on your browser then rainbows and butterflies - all the images work for 2023 (that's as far as I got). However, if you don't have a google account or aren't logged in, then you're not seeing anything. Google still has the issue assigned and hasn't said they aren't going to fix it yet, but I am wondering at this point if they will. They haven't posted anything since 2 days after it happened even though more people post about having the issue each day. For them this isn't a big deal, but for small business it's huge.



New Crab Bowl Shape

January 27, 2024

I love the bowls that I make and how big they are, but they don't stack very well. I wanted to play with some stackable bowls. I made 4 blank and 4 crab. This is the last crab one I made that I feel like came out the best. I've gotten really good at mug shapes, but definitely struggle more with bowls. This one is interesting because the diameter of the top and bottom are much different. I still have to clean up the rim once it's leather hard. New Crab Bowl Shape

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