
Kiln Sneak Peak 5/1

May 01, 2024

Well I hoped I could save it, but no such luck. This globe has given me a headache since the start. When it was still wet, I thought I had solved it - but then in bisque is slumped a bit. When I was glazing it, I could hear things shifting a bit. I hoped that the glaze would glue it together, but it slumped some more. It looks like the walls of the kiln are holding it in the back and that the vase next to it is holding it on the side. Hoping there isn't too much damage, but waiting until it's really cool to try to move stuff.

The little tray on the right is pretty awesome! I tried running hot chowder from spectrum for the first time adn am not disappointed. Kiln Sneak Peak 5/1


Kiln Results 4/29

April 29, 2024

This is the first kiln in a while! I've bene traveling so much for work that I haven't had the time to do much pottery. I really need to travel less!

This kiln has some fun stuff in it. My vase turned luminary is so very awesome! I think I need to make more of these. I also really like how the travel mug turned out. The fishy plats are better than they were in my head!

I'm not sure about the garlic plates. I like how they look, but I'm not sure if they will actually grate garlic. Really annoyed that both of my trees plates had random spots on them. I added more glaze and put them right back in the kiln and hopefully the spots go away.

Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Mayco black ug wiped back
Mayco Hot Tamale, Jack o Lantern, Sunkissed, Just Froggy, Fruit of the vine as water colors
2167 clear Kentucky Mudworks Hydra just on the top
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Mayco black ug wiped back
Mayco Hot Tamale, Jack o Lantern, Sunkissed, Just Froggy, Fruit of the vine as water colors
2167 clear
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Mayco black ug wiped back
Mayco Hot Tamale, Jack o Lantern, Sunkissed, Just Froggy, Fruit of the vine as water colors
2167 clear Mayco Root Bear x2 Amaco Sky inside x2
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Mayco black ug wiped back
Mayco Hot Tamale, Jack o Lantern, Sunkissed, Just Froggy, Fruit of the vine as water colors
2167 clear Kentucky Mudworks Hydra just on the top
Kiln Results 4/29
Mightnight Ceramics Bogeyman x3 - ran a little
Kiln Results 4/29
Opulence Sea Spray x3 Pebble Beach x2
Kiln Results 4/29
Colors for Earth Bright Violet Laurel Green
2167 Clear Mayco Lavender Mist x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Colors for Earth Bright Violet Laurel Green
2167 Clear Mayco Lavender Mist x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Mayco Tuxedo x2
Mayco Frosted Lemon x2
Kiln Results 4/29
Amaco Deep Sea x3 Snow x2
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Amaco Deep Sea x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Colors for Earth Bright Violet Laurel Green
2167 Clear Mayco Lavender Mist x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Colors for Earth Bright Violet Laurel Green
2167 Clear Mayco Lavender Mist x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Midnight Ceramics Sexy Mermaid x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Top Left: Mayco Dusty Rose ug Amaco Cherry Blossom x3
Top Right: Mayco Kings Blue ug Amaco Sky x3
Bottom: Amaco Emerald Falls x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Mayco Norse Blue x3, Sandstone x3, Light Flux Sweeps
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Georgie's Indigo wiped back Zinc Free Clear
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Georgie's Cherry Fizz x2
Kiln Results 4/29
Amaco Smoke x3
Kiln Results 4/29
Stupid spots! I think its Amaco Snow
Kiln Results 4/29
Laguna 60 Georgie's Cherry Fizz x2 Mayco Light Flux

Kiln Sneak Peak, but you have to wait

April 22, 2024

I have been travelling a bunch for work lately. I managed to get glazing done this weekend, but had to leave again before the kiln was cool enough to unload. Some fun stuff at the top. A few new vases, including two extruded ones. There was a third that was too tallby like a millimeter.

Will open this weekeend when I'm back home. In the meantime I have updated all of the images from 2023 and started on 2022. Such a tedious process.

Kiln Sneak Peak, but you have to wait


Fishy Plate

April 15, 2024

Can you tell I've been in a creative place recently? I've been playing with a bunch of new ideas and designs. I think it's because I've been so stuck at work. I need the creative to come out somewhere.

I made a few size fish templates probably over a year ago and they didn't didn't work in practice because the fin was too long. All of a sudden I had the idea to perform surgery on the tail. I think it makes for a really cute little fish plate.

Fishy Plate

Here you can see the surgery I did on the tail. My brain is buzzing around other animals I might be able to do this with.

Fishy Plate


Hex Garlic Plates

April 12, 2024

Made some garlic plates. I was at a show last year where the woman across from was also pottery, but very different. Her pottery was mostly hanging plates, iPad stands, and other large items not really for food. She did have a basket of garlic plates that were selling like crazy. I had mental note to make a few to see whether or not they would be popular for me.

I made 4 test plates and tried out different Diamond Core carving tools on them. Hex Garlic Plates

My favorite ended up being the FP6.

Hex Garlic Plates


Ring Dishes with Extra Cones

April 08, 2024

I had the cone tops from the candle holders and something told me not to squish them. Initially I was thinking I'd widen the hole and make them tapered candle holders. Then it hit me - tiny ring dishes. I added little flowers on top. Dependning on the shrinkage I might also be able to say tea light candle holders. They're so cute though! Ring Dishes with Extra Cones

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