
Kiln Sneak Peak 6/12

June 12, 2024

You might remember that I made this poinsettia back in December and I wasn't sure if it would be ready for the holidays. It didn't make it into the kiln before the end of the year, but I did glaze it months ago and it's just been sitting waiting to be glazed. As I was glazing over the weekend I knew I wasn't going to get to some of the bigger things I had in the bisque kiln and decided to put this in instead. I did have to bend the u loop on the top slightly because otherwise it wouldn't fit.

All I can say is WOW. The red is Coyote's Really Red and its gorgeous.

Kiln Sneak Peak 6/12

I glazed some of the Christmas ornaments and took a peek at those two. Loving the little wreaths with the cardinals!

Kiln Sneak Peak 6/12


Maple Leaf Mugs and Pitchers

June 10, 2024

I spent Friday and Saturday glazing, but did not finish. I got enough to get a kiln full, but then on Sunday I decided I wanted to make instead of glaze. I went out to the yard and collected some maple leaves and made maple leaf mugs and pitchers.

I didn't make all the mugs with the bird, but I did do a few. I think they are really cute, but may not be everyone's cup of tea. Maple Leaf Mugs and Pitchers

Both of these need more shaping before they dry, but I think they're going to turn out well.

Maple Leaf Mugs and Pitchers


Glazing Weekend

June 07, 2024

Just unloaded the bisque kiln and I'm hot! It's hot out, but also any time I load or unload the kiln I get hot. Last summer when it was hot I started glazing inside, but now its how I glaze. I love having the space of everything spread out on the tables. I'd love to have a permanent studio space that has something like this, but that's for the future.

There are a bunch of different things to be glazed.

I've done this enough times that I actually have a bit of a system at this point. On the table that's closer to the family room and faces the TV on the far left I have my brush cups (just out of frame) and then I setup all the mugs. I've started loading the kiln as I glaze and I almost always have mugs on the bottom shelf of my kiln.

Glazing Weekend

In the middle of the table are the candle holders/cupcake stands. They've been ready to glaze for a while, but I was trying to decide how to glaze them. I think I've decided on some of the Georgie's Tye Die Glazes. On the right are some of the bigger items. I put these here because I have two dogs who like to run around sometimes and this is the most protected spot. I haven't lost anything yet, but they have knocked some things over.

Glazing Weekend

I have a second table that's parallel to the first. I have this weird large space that's between my kitchen and the family room. Theoretically you could put a table there, but it would be annoying to always have to walk around it. Plus I have a room just off the kitchen that it fits better.

Anyway, on this table I have the Christmas ornaments I worked on up at the cabin and some more bird bath earring holders. Top left in this picture is something I'm really excited about that is a custom order. The black is the new Mayco engobe. More on this soon.

Glazing Weekend

On the left of that table is plates and bowls. I had done the underglaze on the plates a while ago, but hadn't done the glazing.

Glazing Weekend

My garden has just started to bloom so just some additional pictures to brighten your day. This is echinacea.

Glazing Weekend

I love the colors of this lily.

Glazing Weekend

I think I'm going to have to divide these red lilies this year. I don't remember when I planted them so lets go with 5+ years ago. It's probably past time to divide.

Glazing Weekend


Grape Wine Chiller

June 05, 2024

I am doing a prototype wine chiller in grape vine theme. I am guessing a bit on the dimensions so I may have to adjust. I made this slightly wider than my pitcher template to start with.

Grape Wine Chiller

I had the idea when I was at the Michael Harbridge workshop a few weeks ago. I initially thought I'd use a puzzling mold, but Michael said there wasn't a mold that would work for that.

Grape Wine Chiller

So I improvised and we will see if it works.

Grape Wine Chiller

One more view to get the full 360.

Grape Wine Chiller


Early 2024 Ornaments

June 03, 2024

While we were at the cabin I setup a mini clay studio. I decided to make some ornaments because they are small and easily transported home.

First up was this bird in a wreath. I added texture to the wreath later and I carved the bird a bit.

Early 2024 Ornaments

I saw an angel last year that had been in my head and played around with a few different versionf of them. This is one version. There is a hook in the back, but I'm still not sure how I'm going to glaze fire this one. That might be a design flaw.

Early 2024 Ornaments

Puppy cuteness in bed.

Early 2024 Ornaments


Preserving Leaves Results

May 31, 2024

So mixed results on the leaves. Some of them seem to have worked really well. Others have gotten all weird and wrinkly. I also feel like the veins are less pronounced. Putting these in clay will be the true test, but I want to wait until they are really dry so it likely won't be until after the Carroll County Art in the Park this weekend.

Also quick note - to the best of my knowledge all images have now been migrated and fixed in posts and pages. I'm positive I missed one somewhere, but I don't know where it is so if you find it let me know :) That was way more work than I would have liked and hope never to have to do it again.

These are the things I was calling the fern. Even with the mod podge they are still starting to be a little stinky. These where some of the hardest to do because of the long thin leaves.

preserving Leaves Results

I really thought that the oak leaves would be better. The one with the longer ends got weirdly curly.

preserving Leaves Results

This was hard to photograph, but you can see how wavy it is.

preserving Leaves Results

The leaves on the left are linwood and the right are maple. The maple came out really well, but the veins aren't as pronounced as I'd like.

preserving Leaves Results

These are the rasberry, blackberry, gooseberry, and currants. The gooseberry and currants came out the best of all the leaves. They were also the thickest.

preserving Leaves Results

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