Whew! Mad dash to the holidays! I need a rest. This kiln finished just in time for my last show which was cutting it a little close for the customer order for the show. It all worked out though.
I do believe this is the most mugs I've ever had in the kiln at the same time - 33! They took up two shelves and then some.
I lost one of the two napkin holders I made in the bisque. I don't think my join on the bottom was good enough and it cracked. In the new year I think I'm going to try to see if I change the design some to not have it be 3 independent pieces. I really love how this one came out though, and the leaf weight is gorgeous.
This is the first time I've made a globe without any bark pieces. It's the same, but also really different. I don't know which version I like more.
As I was finishing making for the year I had some extra clay which I made a few more santa gnome plates because the two I made were the first two holiday plates I sold. I also took the opportunity to make more santa crab ornaments because those have been super popular.
I feel like I haven't taken a breath since some time in November. I'm completely unprepared for the holidays, but I am prepared for my last show of the year the Brandywine Festival of the Arts this weekend. I have what is my last kiln load of the year cooling now. Tonight I will get everything packed and tomorrow is setup. On Monday I plan on doing basically nothing for a whole day, just rest. Anyone who knows me is laughing at that statement as I'm very bad at just sitting still.
I have been meaning to make more of these bird on a wire mugs for months, but just never got around to it. Also the last of the Hannukah dishes in here and then a whole lot of crabs since I was nearly out of all things crabs.
The kiln wasn't quit cool enough yesterday for my normal blog post, but it is cool enough now. I have at least one more to run this week before the Brandywine Festival of the Arts this weekend. It sounds like it's going to be really cold in this area over the weekend so what better way to spend it than indoors with some fantastic artists.
This kiln has the last of the lavender work I made a while back plus a whole lot of crabs. Also on this top shelf is my tester mug for the Brandywine show that I am making for Rob who runs the show. I'm really excited with how it looks in the peek. Now to glaze a bunch more!
I feel like it was October and I blinked and now we're in mid-December. I've done so many shows in the last two months and only have one left.
My day job has been insanely busy the last few weeks with a new client. The week before Thanksgiving I got a cold which is no big deal, but it settled in my ears and that's made me deaf. I've gotten a glimpse into my future of constantly asking people to face me and repeate themselves louder.
All of this has made me pull back on what I actually need to get done before my last show (Brandywine Holiday Festival of the Arts December 21 and 22). I have some custom mugs I'm making for the gentleman who runs the Brandywine show plus I needed a few more crab mugs. Aside from that the goal is - get everything bisqued and fired. More end of year stats coming in the next couple of weeks, but with these mugs that means I have made 302 mugs this year. That's nearly 100 more than I made last year and I don't believe I'm going to have much inventory left after the show next weekend (she says totally jinxing herself).
The trees are fantastic!! I am going to need to drill a few holes where glaze ran on the smaller tree, but it's so awesome anyway. I'm experimenting with some new crab things in this kiln to satisfy the people who feel the need to tell me that Maryland crabs are blue and not red. I'm not going to stop making the red crabs, but wanted to have an alternative. I think I'm narrowing in on an option.